Everyone hates to be "sold". There is no doubt that if you walk out of a purchase wondering what just happened, it is a big thumbs down. The fact is that if the sales person doesn't sell you something, then they don't get paid. The even bigger picture fact is that if you get "sold", then you are not ever going to buy from that sales person again. The grey area comes when you have a need (not a want, like a TV or new purse). When we are looking for something that we need, we often will buy based on that need instead of making sure that what we are buying is the best purchase for our dollars. Insurance is that kind of purchase.
As a consumer, it is imperative for us to search out the most knowledgable people to help us make the decision that is in our best interest. With the popularity and ease of the internet, we often look that way for answers. The truth is, the internet offers us limitless information, but little direction.

There are some decisions that are pivotal inspite of how simple the process may seem. Making the wrong decision for your insurance needs can be devastating. If you don't understand what each product can and can't do for you before you buy, then how can you make an educated buying decision? The worst part of the whole thing is that if you have a major health event, you may never be able to change the insurance that you went online and clicked a few buttons to purchase. I know that our time is precious, and giving up just a few minutes seems like a jaw dropping experience. But if you don't find out everything that you need to know, it could be a life altering choice.

Once you have taken the time to educate yourself on all of your options, then you are ready to "not be sold". The educated consumer is a buyer. When you are making a decision with all of the facts in hand, you will be comfortable and happy with anything that you choose to buy. Insurance is a highly regulated business with many moving parts, find a licensed professional to help you navigate through the minutia.
Opinions, thought and comments are always appreciated.

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