Sunday, March 10, 2013

ObamaCare and Class Warfare

I read the news everyday, and there are always quotes detailing how the rich are taking/getting more than their share.  There is no doubt that people with money have more (of everything) than people without.  The beautiful thing about this country (U.S.A) is that we ALL have the opportunity to better ourselves, and succeed beyond our wildest imagination.  It wasn't until the 1920's that Americans really started recieving "things" from their friendly, altruistic government, and it wasn't until decades later that Americans expected these "things".  Prior to that, charities did a fair job of caring for the underprivileged and needy.  At that time, the "hand up" mentality was more common than the "hand out" mentality.  Charity and community were the orders of the day for those that needed it most.  The fact is that "rich" people can afford to equip themselves better than "poor" people because they have done the things necessary to make the money that they have. In spite of the government's best efforts to help the less fortunate: free food, housing, healthcare, college, business grants....etc., there is still a large segment of the population that remains (and will always remain) impoverished.  It makes you wonder who is actually benefitting from these "freebies".  There is a quote that was uttered a long time ago, but has never been truer than it is today,

 "If you rob Peter to pay Paul, Paul will always support the guy that is robbing Peter".

Enter ObamaCare.  There was a great survey on (  The survey has a nice "schmere" of questions, but the this part is what prompted this blog:

Now everyone will be able to get the care they need instead of only the wealthy

This implies that people without money have been going without care.  There are some cases where this is true, but the lions share of people without money (that have a health need), get treated.  There is no question that money will get you better care, and that will always be the case.  The question isn't "should the poor and sick get the care that they need"?  The first question that we should ask is "should the federal gov't be involved in healthcare"?  If we answer "yes" to that question, the next question is "how?".  There are essentially two options. 
  1. Create a massive beauracracy to dictate who/how/when/what type of care is recieved; and maybe even provide said care
    • this promotes the idea of "Paul" voting for the guy robbing "Peter"
  2. Provide tax incentives to any organization that would like to provide/support charity care to the people that needed it most.
    • this doesn't promote any voting block...just better care for those in need.
This is not an anti ObamaCare rant.  It is more of a frustration about the lack of personal responsibility and pride that plagues many Americans today.  I am not saying that being successful, or making more money is easy, but in this country anything is possible.  There is no shortage of people/organizations willing to help anyone to learn a new skill/trade to better themselves.  Here is an idea,  help yourself.  Go to the is free.  Read a book, watch a how to video, apply yourself, and attain a goal. 

The problem isn't the system, it is what the system has done to a good portion of the population, and how it has shaped their views about themselves and their abilities to succeed.  The "teach a man to fish" parable comes to mind. 

Opinions, Comments and thoughts are appreciated.

If you would like to contact me directly:


  1. One thing about life is, the more you educate yourself the stronger you are. No matter if it is about politics, health care, nutrition, or whatever subject one can think of. The more you know and the more well rounded you are the better chance you have to not be blindsided when someone tries to "rob Peter to pay Paul." Thanks for the post.

  2. I'd like to know more about Obamacare

  3. I couldnt agree with your article more! Especially the last parts! Excellent, and good for you for being brave enough to speak your mind :)

  4. I agree totally! The idea of Welfare should be to help people help get back on their feet. People have figured out how to take advantage and "milk the system". Now those people expect a handout, instead of being grateful! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Great article...I didn't know you had a blog...Congrats
