Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Obama Care...Affordable Care Act

This is just another of many posts about this subject.  I will try to shed a little light on how this "Affordable Care Act" will affect the common American. 

I like this map because it illustrates the complexities of the upcoming healthcare law.  There have been many books, blogs, and videos about what this law will do, and how it will affect us.  This image might help all of us to understand that in spite of our best efforts, understanding this Act could be tricky. 
Let me start off with what I do know.  Starting in October 2013, everyone will have the ability to obtain a major medical plan regardless of preexisting conditions.  The fact is that most states already have systems in place that offer these plans at very reasonable rates.  As with any large program, there are holes, and some people find themselves in them.  For the people that cannot afford health insurance currently, their situation may not change much.  Unless they are so poor that they actually get coverage for free.  There will be exchanges set up by the Federal gov't or the states (at the present time, over half of the states in the Union have declined to run these exchanges).  Consumers will have a choice of three or four major medical plans.  The law states that all people must be covered by a compliant plan, or they will be taxed.  The tax/penalty will be levied by the IRS at tax time (when we file our taxes).  In 2014, the tax will be $95/ individual, or 1% of their income...Whichever is greater.  For example, if you are making $50,000/yr, you would be assessed a $500 tax when you filed your taxes.  The years following are similar, the tax just increases.  2015  $325 tax, or 2% of income.  2016  $695, or 2.5% of income.  You can see how the taxes can add up.  The other side of the coin is that you could be saving more than the tax if your health insurance premiums are sufficiently lower than the ones offered by the qualified plans.  As always, the "benevolent" government has a solution.  It will offer a subsidy based on income level to help people with compliant health plans to afford them.  The catch is that the subsidy will be in the form of a tax credit.  I'm not sure how the timing of these distributions will work. If this doesn't sound wonderful, it is because it isn't.  By forcing healthy people and unhealthy people to participate in the same health plans;  the prices of the plans will increase dramatically (enter subsidy).  The best example of this is in the current "group" market.  If you work for an employer that offers group health insurance, the premiums are based on the average age and average health of the group.  As long as the group stay relatively healthy, the premiums reflect this and stay low.  When just one of the employees makes a large claim on the policy, the premiums are affected in a negative way.  With the new "gov't" plans, we are telling the health insurance companies that they have to create products to cover an unhealthy pool of people.  All this does is guarantees high rates. 
The $64,000 question is, "Who Wins"?  The argument could be made that people with preexisting conditions win.  The Federal Gov't wins by creating a new group of people that "need" its help.  This relationship equals votes. 
I chose this picture because I believe that the President looks a little worried, and he should be.  This new health care law is designed to fail.  It was put in place by the powers that be in order to drive healthcare costs up, and force to people to clamor for government intervention....the public option. 
The better question is "Who Loses"?  The answer is all of us.  For every person that gets the care that they so desparately need, there will be two that do not.  As costs continue to rise, it will force doctors out of the profession due to decreasing reimbursement rates and rising malpractice insurance.  Less doctors = longer wait times and less qualified people to complete the procedures once you do get in.  When the gov't makes the rule for the insurance companies, they also decide what types of care are covered, and who gets said care.  Every major piece of legislation that comes out of Washington has unintended consequences, and this one will prove to be no different.  
So who is the big winner?  NOT YOU!
Opinions, thoughts and comments are always appreciated.

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Monday, January 28, 2013

Why have insurance anyway???

I meet with people everyday...Some are have health insurance but not life insurance.  Some have both, but no long term care insurance.  Others don't have either, and want it.  There is no shortage of situations and reasons why people don't have insurance. 
This is my why guy.

The truth is that there is no real need for insurance...until something happens.  And when that something happens, you can't tick back the clock and hurry up and buy it.  Insurance can be expensive, and some people honestly cannot afford a major medical plan.  Here is a common scenario:  a person that is uninsured goes to the hospital, gets care, and then gets a bill.  I am not here to argue that the price of medical care is reasonable, but for now, it is what it is.  Said person then takes that bill and has a few options:  pay it (which is unlikely if they were uninsured in the first place), don't pay it (let it go to collections), set up a payment plan with the hospital.  If option two is selected, then "who pays"?  This discussion could easily get off track, and go in to the arena of should we provide care to???  That is another blog for another day. 

Now for the answer to the original question.  Why have insurance anyway? 
The answer to this question unfortunately is not found in one black and white place.  Each of us will have a different reason for obtaining a method of medical coverage.  There is one thing that is for sure, everyone should.  If you are not able to self insure (pay for your own medical expenses), then get something that will. 

The American system is built on the concept of personal responsibility.  As more and more of us stray from these ideals, big brother is "happy to help".  When people get care that they cannot pay for; somebody still pays for it.  The bill gets projected on all of us in the form of higher medical costs and higher insurance premiums.  If we want to keep medical costs down, we need to reduce the amount of people getting free/uncovered treatment.  And no, I don't believe that the goverment running the health care industry is the answer. 

My final thoughts on this are as follows.   If you are one of the people that takes personal responsibility for yourself and your family, having insurance will act as a hedge against financial ruin.  If you aren't one of the kind of people mentioned above, look around, your neighbors and friends are going to pay your medical bills if something bad ever happens.

No one has a crystal ball.  There are unlimited options (that fit all budgets) for everyone to have some type of medical coverage.  Having insurance is the only way to prepare for the unforseen.

Opinions, thoughts and comments are always appreciated.

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Inaugural Post

I am a Licensed Health and Life Insurance Agent.  This is my first post.  I named my blog for all of the things that people need insurance for.  The truth is that no one needs insurance until something happens, by then, it is too late.  Insurance is more than just something to have in case something happens.  It is a legitimate opportunity to protect yourself and your family from the effects of calamity.  It is the only real way to prepare for the unforseen.  In future posts, I will discuss different stratagies that I use to help people cover themselves.  I will also refer to interesting issues that I run into throughout my daily dealings.  Lastly, I will bring any and all relevant information to this blog to attempt to make it as interesting as possible.